Chemtrails: Conspiracy Theory?

Contrails or Chemtrails?

Fact or Fiction?

Airplane exhaust contrails have made social media headlines over the past few years.

Chemtrails – or chemical contrails are substances released from planes or drones that create cloud-like lines in the sky due to the combination of exhaust and the released chemical or the chemical itself. 

Are they real? It sounds like something from an episode of the X-Files.

Media outlets were always quick to disprove chemtrails, using the term conspiracy theory, that suggested our government, or specific businesses, had nefarious intentions and were experimenting on the public without their knowledge using aerial chemical dispersions.

YouTube videos, dating back to 2010, started the public’s interest in their possible existence and how they are being hidden from society. Crisscrossed contrails were almost always to blame. One of the recent videos shows one plane with contrails and another in the distance with nothing.

Are weather patterns to blame, or are multiple government programs using chemicals in the sky?

Before April 19th, 2023, society would label you as a conspiracy theorist if you believed planes were dropping unknown substances on the population below. And now, it’s commonly reported on social media about chemtrails, even though most posts are Community Noted on @X.

ABC News

Source: ABC News

Over the past few decades, news media outlets occasionally reported that cloud seeding was being used on a smaller scale, and little attention was given to this subject.

This would soon change.

Military cloud seeding programs, such as Project Skywater, were used in the Vietnam War and can be traced back to World War II. Several countries, including the United Emirates, China, India, and the USA, have admitted to having weather modification clouding seeding programs to increase rainfall.

On April 19th, 2023, ABC News Chief Meteorologist Ginger Zee aired a segment regarding increasing rainfall and how the US Government and businesses were using silver iodide for large-scale cloud seeding.

According to ABC News, 42 cloud seeding programs are currently in use across the United States.

The US Government admitted using silver iodide for cloud seeding purposes.

The studies have shown that the environmental impacts of silver iodide, on the current scale, are no impacts to snow and rain also downstream.” – Ginger Zee, ABC News Chief Meteorologist.

Ginger Zee’s report was one of the first instances in which Mainstream Media indicated the possibility of chemtrails using silver iodide cloud seeding. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory.

Cloud Seeding

What is cloud seeding? A technique to stimulate precipitation by introducing chemicals into clouds. It is used for weather manipulation, not weather control, as it alters weather patterns by inducing or enhancing the dew point to create clouds for more rainfall.

Silver iodide is used in cloud seeding.

Silver iodide (Agl) is the most common chemical in cloud seeding, behind potassium iodide and urea (found in urine).

Silver Iodide is not naturally found in high atmospheric concentrations.

It’s a product of man-made pollution. The amount of naturally occurring silver in the atmosphere is approximately a few nanograms or lower. Cloud seeding operations use approximately a few grams to a few kilograms of silver iodide.

Silver Iodide is a chemical.

Plane exhaust from cloud seeding doesn’t necessarily last longer or be more visible; it primarily depends on dispersal patterns. In other words, the chemical is not necessarily released equally and is dumped into areas for higher concentration.


Here are two examples of incorrect information regarding silver iodide cloud seeding:

  1. DRI

 DRI is a non-profit research institute in Nevada that studies Atmospheric Sciences. On March 13, 2023, they posted this article about their thoughts on chemtrails and cloud seeding:

“Is cloud-seeding producing so-called chemtrails?”

“No. Those fluffy white lines zig-zagging across the sky are jet contrails, and they are the aviation equivalent of visible plumes of steamy breath on a cold morning. Warm water vapor produced during jet fuel combustion interacts with the cold atmospheric air to create strings of ice crystals that behave like high-altitude cirrus clouds. When a plane passes through an area of high pressure, which leads to low winds and clear skies, the trails will linger. Jet contrails have no connection with cloud-seeding activities.”

Jet contrails do have a connection with cloud-seeding activities. How? Sometimes, silver iodide, for cloud seeding purposes, is dispersed into the exhaust contrail.

To answer this question, @ChatGPT and @Grok were asked, “Can silver iodide from cloud seeding mix into plane exhaust contrails?”

This is what ChatGPT said:

“Silver iodide used in cloud seeding is unlikely to mix into typical plane exhaust contrails because their release and formation mechanisms are distinct.”


In other words, silver iodide is not supposed to mix into exhaust engines, but sometimes it does.

This is what Grok 2.0 said:

Grok 2.0

“Conclusion: While there’s a theoretical possibility for silver iodide from cloud seeding to be in the same airspace as plane exhaust contrails due to atmospheric mix, direct mixing or visible interaction between the two is highly unlikely…”

It’s possible that silver iodide and plane exhaust can mix.

  1. Idaho DWR

Here is another example of outdated information regarding cloud seeding:

“Aircraft seeding ONLY occurs during a storm where cloud conditions have the potential for precipitation enhancement.”

I found it odd that emphasis was placed on “only,” so @Grok and @ChatGPT were leveraged to confirm this statement.

This is what ChatGPT said:

“No, aircraft seeding (cloud seeding) doesn’t only occur during storms where cloud conditions have the potential for precipitation enhancement, though that is a common scenario.”


This is what Grok 2.0 said:

“Aircraft seeding, commonly known as cloud seeding, is not exclusively performed during storms or when there is immediate potential for precipitation enhancement.”

Grok 2.0

Cloud seeding using silver iodide is sometimes dispersed when it’s not cloudy.

Whistle-Blowers & Foreign Governments

US Air Force 9-year veteran Kristen Meghan, in the Bio Environmental Engineering department, recently blew the whistle on the US Army’s chemtrails they have been experimenting with. She also touched on how HAARP is used to manipulate weather.

“…you are altering nature when things are supposed to occur.” – Kristen Meghan.

Premier Smith of the Canadian Providences of Alberta blames the US Department of Defense for chemtrails.

If anyone is doing it, it’s the US Department of Defense.” – Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith.

Foreign governments believe in chemtrails, and according to the whistleblower, so does the US Government.


Last year, ABC News revealed that silver iodide is actively used in cloud seeding, and it became a watershed moment for chemtrail conspiracy theorists.

Using deductive reasoning (General to Specific) based on these six facts, a reasonable conclusion can be made that silver iodide chemtrails are real.

  1. Silver iodide is used in cloud seeding.
  2. The US Government admitted using silver iodide for cloud seeding purposes.
  3. Silver Iodide is a chemical.
  4. Silver Iodide is not naturally found in high atmospheric concentrations.
  5. It’s possible that silver iodide and plane exhaust can mix.
  6. Cloud seeding using silver iodide is sometimes dispersed when it’s not cloudy.

The US Government admitted to having widespread cloud-seeding operations using silver iodide.

Silver iodide chemtrails are possible! A small portion of contrails from cloud seeding have chemicals mixed into the exhaust.

Chemtrails: Fact

Conspiracy Theory: Solved

K. Brett Boswell, MBA

K. Brett Boswell is an investigative journalist & C.E.O. for Page 38 News

www.Page38News.comEmail: [email protected]Twitter: theBoz46

Thoughts? Errors or omissions? K. Brett Boswell can be reached by email at [email protected]